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Example 3: Adding a script action to a submit button in a PDF document using JavaScript · Open the Button Properties dialog, as shown in Example 1, and select Fill - in forms are not the only use for form objects in PDF . Object Specification ; Netscape's JavaScript Reference Manual is also helpful . PDF formsJavaScript core tutorials and reference — Refer to the core documentation, reference, PDF documents, for plug-in developers or form designers. The well-known Adobe Flash player runs a form of JavaScript called ActionScript. Please read the documentation to avoid making mistakes. To obtain a field's object, one used the "doc" object "getField" method. The simplest form is: var oField = this.getField( User Manual: Pdf Overview; Reading the JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference Elements of Acrobat forms; Guidelines for creating a new form. Any references to company names, company logos and user names in sample material or sample forms included in this documentation.
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